Career Path
Employers value pre-entry work experience and especially that relating to the career you'd like to pursue. If you'd like to get into engineering and your course doesn't offer a placement, try to secure one yourself from our bunch of career guidance courses. Our course is also suitable for working engineers who wish to upgrade their careers.
An engineering degree is a combination of maths, science, technology, business and management. Courses are designed to ensure attendees, who could
- Able to solve problems using both logic & creative and innovative approaches
- Numerate and highly computer literate, with excellent analytical skills
- Able to plan and prioritize, work to deadlines and under pressure
- Cost/value-conscious and aware of the necessary social, cultural, environmental, health & safety, and wider professional responsibilities
- Capable of careful attention to detail, exercising good judgment and accepting responsibilities
- Able to communicate with others and work with multidisciplinary teams.
Our course work is often hands-on and provides a good insight into the engineering environment along with the concepts driven from engineering.
Artem courses have a strong focus on professional practice which will provide you with skills that are suitable for a range of careers.

We Offer The Mentioned
Career Guidance Courses
Aerospace Industry
SOM + MD+ Solidworks + Ansys APDL + Workbench + Doc & ppt skills + public speaking + Resume preparation +Mock Interviews
Automotive Industry
SOM + MD+ Catia +Hyper mesh + Doc & ppt skills + Public Speaking + Resume preparation+ Mock Interviews
Nuclear Industry
SOM + Solidworks+ Ansys Workbench + Fluent + Doc & ppt skills + public speaking + Mock Interviews
Structural Engineer
RCC design + ETABS + SAFE + Excel+ Doc & ppt skills + public speaking + Resume preparation+ Mock Interviews
Heavy Industry
Catia + Ansys Workbench + Doc & ppt skills + public speaking + Mock Interviews
Tailor Made Trainings
Prioritize your skills with out compromising quality
Also, Artem help you to be able to prioritise the skills and areas that need to be addressed in the context of your business — allowing courses to be tailor-made to fit your needs without compromising quality or content.
Why Late?
What Are You Waiting For?
Grab a course to enhance your desired career and reach heights in passionate field of engineering. Artem trusts that it is a good idea to shadow different engineers to help you decide which area you'd like to work in. Our experts always guide & support you as per industry standards and clarify your queries at every step for reaching your chosen path.
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