According to the need of today's businesses operate is highly competitive where every company strives to innovate faster while reducing their product development and maintenance costs. Ansys Workbench is the only software that provides various types of simulations required for any kind of product development.



90 Hours

Skill level
Today's businesses operate in a highly competitive environment where every company strives to innovate faster while reducing its product development and maintenance costs. Every function within an organization faces tremendous pressure to deliver more with less. Engineering operations are no exception. That’s why the world’s leading companies have adopted the ANSYS for the complexity to deal by using workbench nonlinear — to transform the way they innovate and engineer their next-generation products and maintenance services.
The ANSYS Workbench (workbench non-linear) course is purely meant for non-linear simulation such as geometric, material & contact. Most of the real-world scenarios will be a combination of more than one part/component i.e., assemblies. For example, industrial machinery, bridges, rotating components, engines, consumer goods, cars on road, etc. By taking this course, you shall be able to solve industry-ready models with a combination of one or more non-linearities. Along with various advanced models, mesh, solution options.
- FEM Overview, Project Schematic, Unit system & so on
- Concepts of SOM, Free body diagram
- Formulation of Stress, strain & so on
- Need to assumptions and check for approximations
- How to check accuracy based on assumptions made?
- Derivation of element formulation
- Need, Importance, Application of Non-linearity
- Types of Non-linearity
- Theory on Geometric & Material Non-Linearty
- IMP Contact Non-linearity Basics (Rigid, Flexible, Friction, Frictionless, Bonded & so on)
- MP according to models
- Engineering Data
- Isotropic, Orthotropic & Anisotropic
- Bi-linear, Multi-linear & Stress- Strain curves
- Sketching in customized plane
- Modifying, Duplicate etc on the sketch
- Creation of assemblies from parts/components
- Importing Models from CAD sources
- Geometric Clean-up
- Model modification according to load, BC , critical regions etc
- Model Checks & corrections
- Share Topology
- Need & importance of Contact
- Types of contact
- How to co-relate real scenarios to contact'
- contact options & creation as per assemblies
- About gap & fit options etc
- Multi-body Meshing
- Control of mesh
- Node Merge, Moving Nodes etc
- Mesh at Contact as per non-linearity
- Mesh as per material non-linearity
- Component creation
- Special Loads (Bearing, remote force & moment)
- BC as per assemblies
- Geometric Non-linearity settings
- Solver Type
- Non-linear Controls
- Restart Controls
- Output Controls
- Convergence Issues & Debugging
- Verification & Validation
- Deflection, Stress check
- Contact behaviour
- Load Transfer details
- Reaction Forces & etc
- Report generation
- Results representation
- Documentation details & so on
ANSYS MAPDL (Classic) is the leading software solution that uses finite element analysis (FEA) for various analyses/simulations using the ANSYS Mechanical interface. It covers an enormous range of applications in the field of mechanical, aerospace, bio-medical, automotive, structural, and much more in 3 phases i.e., pre-processing, solution & post-processing. Ansys Mechanical APDL is also used to model advanced materials, complex environmental loadings, and industry-specific requirements in areas such as offshore hydrodynamics and layered composite materials as well.
This course is recommended for anyone who wishes to perform Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of mechanical parts and has little or no ANSYS Mechanical APDL (MAPDL) software experience. The ANSYS Mechanical APDL workflow, graphical user interface, along with the APDL command syntax, will be introduced to users. The focus will be on linear static structural analyses, although the concepts presented will provide a strong foundation to allow the user to solve other physics, such as thermal analyses, or more complicated analysis procedures with ANSYS MAPDL. After completing the course, attendees shall be able to use the ANSYS Mechanical APDL software efficiently to set up, solve, and post-process linear static analyses.
Please note that for those wishing to learn the Workbench version of ANSYS Mechanical should attend the “Introduction to ANSYS Mechanical” training course instead.
- Introduction to the Finite Element Method
- What is the Finite Element Method?
- History
- About ANSYS
- ANSYS Basics
- ANSYS Classic Environment
- GUI – Graphics and Picking
- The Database and Files
- Saving Files
- Exiting ANSYS
- File Types
- Overview
- Preliminary Decisions
- Preprocessing
- Solution
- Post processing
- Simple Model creations
- Hierarchy of model elements & its connections
- Import of CAD model
- Work Plane creation & importance
- Boolean Operations
- Operational commands
- Model Connectivity
- Model Checks
- Setting Element Attributes
- Element Type selection & its options
- Section properties,Real Constants
- Assigning Element Attributes
- Free Mesh & Mapped Mesh
- Mesh Controls
- 3D Mesh – Hex, Tet, Hybrid
- Mesh Connectivity
- Mesh Quality & Checks

- Instructor-Led Online
- Certification On Completion
- Course Content: Available
- Clarification: After Course (3 Months)
- One Time Payment
- WhatsApp Group Support
- Industry Projects: Available
- Contact For Group Enrollments
- Instructor Led Online
- Certification On Completion
- Course Content: Customized
- Clarification: After Course (3 Months)
- One-On-One Session
- One Time Payment
- WhatsApp Support
- Industry Projects: Available
- Contact For Group Enrollments
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